Cows have been calved out, worked and are growing. Bulls have been performance tested. Grass is green!
With this sense of excitement you want to protect your investment. One of the best way's to do so is to make sure your putting out Hi Mag Mineral.
Why Hi Mag?
There is one reason why you want to use Hi Mag mineral. To aid in preventing Grass Tetany.
grass tet-a-ny
a disease of livestock caused by magnesium deficiency, occurring especially when there is a change from indoor feeding to outdoor grazing.
Grass tetany is a serious, often fatal metabolic disorder characterized
by low levels of magnesium in the blood serum of cattle. It is
also called grass staggers and wheat pasture poisoning. It primarily
affects older cows nursing calves less than two months old, but it may
also occur in young or dry cows and growing calves. It happens
most frequently when cattle are grazing succulent, immature grass and
often affects the best cows in the herd.Don't take a risk, make sure your cattle are consuming adequate levels of magnesium to aid in avoiding Grass Tetany.